Profelis Samba Pack

21st Dec 2020
SambaBox GUI Pack

21st Dec 2020
- Nickname errors during CTDB code optimization are fixed.
- vfs_glusterfs module is fixed.
- ACL editing is done.
- Bind 9.16 support is added.
- Memory usage is enhanced.
- DNS usage accelerated.
- Changed to GnuTLS-3.6.15 version.
- Certificate Authority (CA) functionality is added.
- Alarm emails about Disc-Memory-Processor states are added.
- Name, Logonname and Desciption usage in search display is added.
- SYSVOL Reset Button is added.
- GPO link, unlink, GPO deletion functionalities are added.
- The names that appear in the tree structure are made changeable.
- DHCP migration button is made to be turned off as default.
- Locked/Unlocked indication of the users is added in the tree structure.
- Edit – disable – enable – password reset – delete, locked/unlocked features are added to the search display output.
- Edit – disable – enable – password reset – delete, locked/unlocked features are added to the advanced search display output.
- Dbcheck and reindex functionality inside GUI are added.
- Update before license expiry functionality is added.
- MSDCS is relocated to the tools section under refresh display.
- Menu changes are made
- SYSVOL folders are made to be wiped during Migrate and Provision.
- Necessary changes are made for a better compatibility of SambaBox with Mac OS X.
- VM de çalışan sunucularında zaman sunucusunun stabil çalışması sağlandı.
- The stable operation of the time server is ensured on the server running on the VM.
- Necessity for initials of a new user is removed.
- Code improvements and performance enhancements are made.