Profelis Samba Pack

19th Jul 2022
SambaBox GUI Pack
19th Jul 2022
- Improved replication performance.
- Reduce the security descriptor propagation time after the initial replication ~ 240 minutes => 2.4 minutes
- Added machine password change for fixing error while adding RODC to domain.
- Added RBCD (Resource-based constrained) support.
- Improved ACE configuration on Sysvol.
- Improved NSS token management.
- Improved UPN managment.
- Improved RPC client performance.
- Improved domain join support for older versions.
- Imporoved LMDB record manamagement.
- Improved DNS update management.
- Improved Azure connection.
- Fixed MDSSVC issues.
- Fixed CVE-2022-32743.
- Fixed NFS4 ACL GUID.
- Fixed DSDB log issues.
- Added GPO editing support.
- Added Google Chrome GPO management support.
- Added LAPS management support.
- Added custom attribute support.
- Added SMB client settings.
- Added support for listing and deleting of CNF objects.
- Added support for cleanup of CNF objects.
- Added sensitive password policy and more PSO options.
- Added blacklist for user passwords and regular expression controls for blacklists.
- Added support for DHCP lease time cleanup.
- Added OU based RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) support for GUI users.
- Added Sites and Subnets management.
- Added more unit tests.
- Added csv export for DNS zones and records.
- Added new pre-installed reports to report section.
- Added sending reports by e-mail in user defined periods.
- Fix for some GUI issues.
- Fix language translations.
- Fix for some non-seen commands.
- Hardened security.
- Added keyboard language selection to terminal menu.
- Removed DHCP configuration option from terminal menu.