Comparison Table
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Use of Policies
User Management
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I like the idea of SambaBox, I want a central, web-based solution to managing networks of multiple machines and users.
Jessie SmithDistrowatch
After switching to SambaBox, we first saw that it consumes much less resources. Afterwards, we saw that it can manage all operating systems.
Ibrahim KoseIT Director, Directorate of Religious Affairs
By choosing SambaBox, we eliminated high licensing costs and reduced our dependency on external solutions, enabling us to implement our own directory solution.
Zafer YanarSystem Admin, Erzin Municipality
We got rid of the end-of-life Windows DC and got a DC with a modern web interface.
Hafiz RafiyevIT Manager, Can Group
The primary benefits include cost savings and a user-friendly, performance-driven structure similar to competitors, ensuring easy configuration and high availability.
Tayfun KeresteciIT Operations Director, Defacto
Fast and practical directory management with an easy and user-friendly management panel.
Remzi BasogluSystems Engineer, Ministry of Internal Affairs
We have freed ourselves from brand dependency by finding an alternative, and as an institution, we have also avoided the high costs associated with software licensing.
Ramazan Sami ÇINARHead of Information Technology Department, Afyon Kocatepe University
It is possible to switch to another directory without MS AD.
Hacı OğuzHead of Information Technology Department, Abdullah Gül University