SSL Certificate

The SambaBox interface communicates with the HTTP protocol by default in the first installation. You can create a certificate or upload your own certificate to the system to use the HTTPS protocol to access the interface.

SSL Certificate

In this tab, you can view the current SSL certificate information.

SSL Certificate

Generating an SSL Certificate

You can create an SSL certificate for the SambaBox web interface using the form on Generate.

Generating SSL certificate

Required fields to create an SSL certificate are:

  • Common Name: referred to as FQDN. Consists of a combination of the server’s network name and domain

  • E-Mail: Email address of the responsible person or group

  • Organization: Organization that will own the certificate

  • Organization Unit: Relevant organizational unit of the organization holding the certificate

  • Address: The address of the organization holding the certificate

  • City: City where the certificate holder organization is located

  • State / Country / Region: Region or state where the certificate holding organization is located

  • Country: Country where the certified organization is located (multiple choice)

  • Zip Code: Postal code of the address of the certificate holder organization

  • Years: The time in years the certificate will be valid


Make sure that the information required for the creation of SSL certificates does not contain Turkish characters such as şŞ, ıİ, üÜ, çÇ, ğĞ, öÖ.

SSL Certificate Download

Using the [Download] button, you can download a created / installed SSL certificate to your computer in PEM format.

Download SSL certificate

SSL Certificate Upload

Using the [Restore] button, you can install an SSL certificate in PEM format from your computer to SambaBox for use in the SambaBox interface.

Restore SSL certificate