Interface Users
On the interface users screen, you can view existing interface users or add new users.
User Create
Follow the steps below to create a new user:
Press the [+] button to create a new user.
Type the user’s first name.
Type the User’s last name.
Type the user’s e-mail address.
Type the username.
Type the user password.
Re-type the user password.
Type the company the user works for.
Type the user’s phone number.
Press the save button.
Note that user password is checked against domain password policy.
Note that the SambaBox web interface is logged in with the user email address.
User Edit
You can perform the following operations on existing or newly created users:
You can view and change the user information.
You can assign or remove a new role group to the user.
You can make the user active / inactive.
You can turn the user s 2FA feature off and on. (The user must have activated this feature)
You can delete the user.
Note that the user was in the Disabled state when first created.
You can download the permission list given to the users by pressing the CSV icon in the upper right corner.