API Keys

You can use API keys to synchronize interface settings between SambaBoxes.

API Key Generate

API Key Generate

To create a new API Key;

  • Issuer (Hostname): SambaBox name where API key will be generated.

  • IP Address (Remote): Other SambaBoxes to which API key will be added.

  • Expiration: API key validity period (Select No expiration if necessary)

  • Rate Limit Per Minutes: How many requests to make per minute.

  • User: Authorized interface user for api key.

List API Keys

You can list API keys that have been generated and monitor their status from this tab.

Insert New API Key

You can insert the API key that generated in another SambaBox from this tab.

  • Issuer (Hostame): Name of owner of the API key to be added.

  • Token: API key token to add.

  • Secret Key: API key secret token to be added.

Inserted API Keys

You can view the status of the inserted API keys and delete them if necessary.


Do not forget to add each API key to be generated in SambaBoxes.


You can enable or enable API access in the settings tab. You can set the API to access only the Organizational Units you select and add from the tree section. You can also define the groups for which the API will be allowed in the Groups section, and the attributes for which the API will be allowed in the attributes section.