Exchange Operations


In SambaBox, you can create the necessary objects and permissions for your Exchange server with a single click.

What is Exchange Schema Extension and What Does It Do?

Exchange Schema Extension refers to the process of adding additional attributes to the Active Directory schema to support Microsoft Exchange Server. The schema is essentially a blueprint for the types of objects and attributes that can be created within the directory. By extending the schema, administrators can ensure that the Active Directory environment is properly prepared to handle the specific requirements of Exchange Server, such as email addresses, mailboxes, and other Exchange-related attributes. This extension allows for seamless integration and efficient management of email services within the organization.

SambaBox Supported Exchange Versions

  • Exchange 2003

  • Exchange 2007

  • Exchange 2010

  • Exchange 2013

  • Exchange 2016

  • Exchange 2019

In this screen, you can modify operations and settings related to the Exchange server. The function of each field in the screen is explained below:

  1. Exchange Schema Update Permissions:

    • This option determines whether permissions to update the Exchange schema are allowed. It is currently set to OFF.

    • To enable Exchange compatibility in SambaBox before installing Exchange, set the Exchange Schema Update Permissions button to ON.


    Once your Exchange installation is complete, you should set this option back to OFF.

  2. Repair Exchange - DC Privileges:

    • This section allows for repairing Exchange privileges on the Domain Controller (DC). There are two main buttons:

    • List: This button displays the current list of DC privileges.

    • Set: This button initiates the process of repairing DC privileges.

The settings on this screen are used to ensure the proper functioning of the Exchange server and to carry out administrative tasks. Before making any changes to these settings, it is recommended to carefully assess the current state and requirements of your Exchange server.

Exchange Schema Update Permissions

Install Exchange on SambaBox Videos

